Silk has been around for generations. It originated in China in 4th millennium BC. It was only after the Silk Road opened up that the world was introduced to silk. Silk was used for a number of applications, including writing, and the colour of silk worn was an important guide of social class. The rich fabric has a multitude of benefits and while there are other types of fabrics now, they cannot mimic the benefits of pure silk. 




Silk is a pure fabric made from the fibre produced by silk worms

Satin is a synthetic material made from nylon/ polyester which is plastic.

Silk is an insulator. Which means you won’t feel hot in pure mulberry silk.  

Satin makes you feel hot.

Silk is hypoallergenic.

Satin can cause irritation to the skin.

Silk is stronger fabric. Silk rope is stronger than an equally thick metal wire.

Satin is less stronger.

Silk is expensive and time consuming to produce.

Satin is cheaper to produce.

Silk is a long lasting fabric. You spend on quality and end up buying lesser over a lifetime.

Satin does not last long as the shine will disappear quickly with frequent washing. Which means you end up buying more.


So take your pick.
